Raicilla, Mezcal, Pox Mexican Spirits

On a recent trip to Puerto Vallarta, we came across a great little spot for tasting all kinds of Mexican Spirits. Everyone knows Tequila. They might not know good tequila, but they know Tequila. Puerto Vallarta is in the state of Jalisco and all of our bartending students know that’s exactly where tequila must come from.
We also point out what different spirits are made from. Tequila has to be made from the sugars of Blue Agave (Tequilana Weber)… at least 51% of them anyways. Better tequilas are certain to use only sugars from Blue Agave but some brands will cheat a little to save some of those raw material costs. Blue Agave takes 8-10 years to mature, which makes it a very expensive source of sugars for making alcohol!
Find a Tequila You Like!
Not all tequila is good, or bad. It’s really a matter of finding which one is right for you. We went to a few different tasting places. There are a few little shops offering ‘free tastings’. Free is hard to pass up! The skilled salesperson knows a little tequila in people will have them buying a bottle they wouldn’t normally buy.
Just like many hand crafted items you might find at your local Christmas markets, touristy spots in Mexico will have ‘hand crafted’ tequilas ready for you to taste and hopefully buy. Tequila by law is only allowed to have up to 1% of additives and can only be ‘abocado’… however abocado can be a combination of things. Colour, Oak Flavouring, Glycerin, and Sugar can make up this ‘abocado’ and various amounts might be added to ‘improve’ the overall character of a spirit.